I noticed a need for having yoga at your arms reach. A yoga studio that follows you through your life. No matter if you moved to another city or became a parent.Your phone is always in your hand, so why not make their yoga studio into an online platform?
When members left the yoga company [jo:ga] they didn’t leave because they were dissatisfied with the product. It was just life that got in the way. Some got a new job outside the city. Others became parents or just moved to a different area in the city. So was there a way to make these members keep up their healthy yoga routine?
It was quite easy getting the insight that a way to keep members to their healthy routine was to make some kind of app or online platform, but how this platform should be formed was more difficult.
Through in-depht interviews with members and former members of [jo:ga] I gathered insights into why some left the company and also what obstacles current members had when being a member. But more important – insights into the features an upcoming app should have to solve the needs they had.
On the basis of the feedback from the interviews we decided to make an online yoga platform. It was clear that they didn’t need a fancy platform with all kinds of features. They just needed quick access to a yoga class with was chosen from simple parameters: Intensity and length of class.